産学連携先:Cooperativa Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Baena, Spain


流通学部 3回生 溝本 紗弓・流通学部 3回生 宮本 伊織



流通学部 3回生 谷口 和也


中田 隼人、村角 佑太、八幡 大基、穐田 竜也、久保 美咲、溝本 紗弓、萱村 公紀、阪田 岬、寒川 勇斗、谷口 和也、大門 将太、宮本 伊織、森永 さくら



Cooperativa Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Victor Amores

En septiembre de 2017, un grupo de estudiantes de la Facultad de Negocios de la Universidad de Hannan en Japón visitaron nuestra empresa, Cooperativa Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, en Baena, España.
Producimos aceite de oliva premiado que se exporta a muchos países del mundo, y fue un gran placer para nosotros presentarles nuestra cooperativa.
Los estudiantes parecían muy interesados en nuestras operaciones. Nos complació saber que estaban impresionados por lo que hacemos.
Los videos que han creado a partir de su viaje son buenos. Nos complació ver estos videos, y esperamos que la gente en Japón pueda aprender más sobre la industria del aceite de oliva en España. También esperamos que la experiencia de visitar nuestra cooperativa sea beneficiosa para los estudiantes en sus vidas futuras.

学生翻訳:2017年9月、日本の阪南大学流通学部の学生グループが、私たちの会社(Cooperativa Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe、スペインバエナ市)のオリーブオイル工場を訪問しました。
学生は私たちの業務に非常に関心を持っていたようでした。 彼らは私たちがしていることに感銘を受けたことを知ってうれしかったです。
学生達が私たちの会社を訪問した後、作成したビデオは非常に良かったです。 このビデオを見て、日本の人々がスペインのオリーブオイル産業について少しでも理解していただければ、幸いです。

英文:In September 2017, a group of students from the Faculty of Business at Hannan University in Japan visited our company, Cooperativa Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, in Baena, Spain.
We produce award-winning olive oil which is exported to many countries around the world, so it was a great pleasure for us to introduce our cooperative to them.
The students seemed very interested in our operations. We were pleased to learn that they were impressed by what we do.
The videos they have created from their trip are good. We were pleased to see these videos, and hope that people in Japan will be able to learn more about the olive oil industry in Spain. We also hope that this experience will be beneficial for students in their future lives.


流通学部 PARSONS,Martin 准教授

I believe the activities which the students participated in and the learnings they were able to gain during the 2017 Hannan University Career Seminar were invaluable. Students were able to learn quite a lot about how a company creates a product, and how that product is then marketed and distributed and sold.
They also learnt quite a lot about the business of producing olive oil, through interacting with an olive oil producer in Spain and participating in an exhibition about olive oil in Osaka in October, 2017.
Based on the studies, students produced a number of digital materials, which can be viewed on the Ryutsu English website: https://ryutsu1.wixsite.com/english/zemi
However, I believe the greatest benefit to them was in the way they were able to broaden their understanding of the world. Prior to making the study trip to Spain, many of the students were excited, but probably quite nervous. However, they gained in confidence as students and as people through their interactions with people and organisations in a foreign country. All this was new to them, and it would have been easy for them to retreat into their own group and “hide” from the differences they encountered. To their credit, students embraced the opportunity to learn and expand their world view. They engaged with the people they met, and showed the world true ‘おもてなし’. They made me proud, and were a credit to Hannan University.