今年度のテーマは、“Corporate Problem Solving and Active Learning”です。
学生達は、 協働、対話力、コンピュータスキルを鍛えることができました。
今年度のテーマは、“Corporate Problem Solving and Active Learning”です。
学生達は、 協働、対話力、コンピュータスキルを鍛えることができました。
国際コミュニケーション学部:Mark Sheehan 准教授
経済学部:王 凌 准教授
流通学部:Martin Parsons 准教授
経済学部:王 凌 准教授
流通学部:Martin Parsons 准教授
• 共同学習
• 事例に基づく学習
• 問題を発見し対策を考える力
• コミュニケーション力
• 計画を立案する力
• プレゼンテーション・スキル
• プロジェクトベース・ラーニング
• 交流イベント&チームビルディング
• 学生間ネットワーク
• 事例に基づく学習
• 問題を発見し対策を考える力
• コミュニケーション力
• 計画を立案する力
• プレゼンテーション・スキル
• プロジェクトベース・ラーニング
• 交流イベント&チームビルディング
• 学生間ネットワーク
1. 大手電気会社
2. 大手家電会社
3. 大手電気通信会社
4. 大手製薬会社
2. 大手家電会社
3. 大手電気通信会社
4. 大手製薬会社
参加学生の感想 国際コミュニケーション学部生
釜谷聖輝 (2回生)
上野雄太 (2回生)
今回のACE conferenceでは、4つのトピックがあり、それぞれのトピックに担当する学生が事前学習により調べた資料を元に議論し、プレゼンテーションを作り上げるという形式で行われました。その場で初めて顔をあわせる他大学の学生と協力しお互いが集めた情報を共有し吟味するため、グループワークや協調性が必要となりました。普段の授業ではなかなか体験することのできないスタイルの活動であり、貴重な体験ができたと感じています。今後もこのような機会を大切にし、積極的に取り組んでいきたいと考えています。
参加学生の感想 経済学部生
Masato Habuta (1回生)
The student conference was a good experience for me. Actually, it was my first time to make presentation in English, so I was very nervous. But my team members were very friendly, and I felt that they were so easy to talk with about the theme. When I told them my opinion, they listened to me very carefully.
I was really happy. The English presentation was not as difficult as I thought before, because I could express my opinion and tell other participants my suggestion. Moreover, I could speak English with more confidence. I would like to thank encouraging faculty for giving me such a good opportunity and advice for preparing for the conference.
I was really happy. The English presentation was not as difficult as I thought before, because I could express my opinion and tell other participants my suggestion. Moreover, I could speak English with more confidence. I would like to thank encouraging faculty for giving me such a good opportunity and advice for preparing for the conference.
Zhang Ni (2回生)
I was very happy to join the student conference. At first, I was very nervous and worried about our presentation, because we only had 4 members in our team. But all of us worked very hard, and tried our best to make the presentation. We finished well (I think).
On the first day, when we exchanged opinions about the business problem that we were in charge of, I was really happy that my team members told me my idea (the suggestion that I prepared) was a good idea.
My English level is not as high as other team members who are majoring in English. They helped me to write my idea in English and I learned a lot from them. I studied English and made new friends as well during the conference. It was an unforgettable experience for me.
On the first day, when we exchanged opinions about the business problem that we were in charge of, I was really happy that my team members told me my idea (the suggestion that I prepared) was a good idea.
My English level is not as high as other team members who are majoring in English. They helped me to write my idea in English and I learned a lot from them. I studied English and made new friends as well during the conference. It was an unforgettable experience for me.
Mark D. Sheehan(国際コミュニケーション学部)
Teamwork is important to achieve success in all aspects of life. In particular, to have positive outcomes in their university studies, and in future careers, it is essential that students develop the interpersonal skills that will allow them to take on challenging, complicated problems with people from all walks of life, and diverse backgrounds. Students at this event worked on teams to solve problems from Japanese corporations. They learned to listen to new ideas, evaluate them, and eventually integrate all of the ideas of their team members into a practical solution to a real-world problem. Students then presented their solutions to representatives from companies and received valuable feedback. The faculty advisors, students, corporate representatives and staff at Hannan University all embraced the spirit of teamwork to make this event a valuable educational experience. Many lessons were learned over this busy weekend, but perhaps the greatest lesson learned is reflected in a quotation from Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
王 凌(経済学部)
In the global economy, without individuals who think independently and actively, it is impossible for companies to create added value through innovations. My purpose of bringing students to participate in the English student conference is motivating them to make connections between their academic knowledge and the business world, and to apply academic principles in real life settings. Since participants were from different universities and with different majors, I also encouraged students to try to consider and understand the business-related issues from the perspective of others.
Students were required to solve the real business problems from the leading companies in different industries in Japan. All students made great effort to accomplish the challenging task.
This year is the second year that Hannan University has organized the English student conference. I'm encouraged and glad to see that more students are eager to engage in this kind of Active and Collaborative Learning which requires more than mere memorization of facts, and provides students opportunities to interact with more people from different backgrounds and cultures.
Students were required to solve the real business problems from the leading companies in different industries in Japan. All students made great effort to accomplish the challenging task.
This year is the second year that Hannan University has organized the English student conference. I'm encouraged and glad to see that more students are eager to engage in this kind of Active and Collaborative Learning which requires more than mere memorization of facts, and provides students opportunities to interact with more people from different backgrounds and cultures.
Tell me and I will forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand.
(不闻不若闻之, 闻之不若见之, 见之不若知之, 知之不若行之)- Xun Kuang, Chinese philosopher, c. 310 – c. 235 BCE
The student conference held in Student Commons in December, 2015 was a wonderful opportunity for students from Hannan to actively engage with other students and faculty from a number of different institutions in Japan, as well as representatives from the corporate world. This gave students a chance to develop their analytic and communication skills by applying them to real-world problems. These are the kinds of problems that they are likely to encounter in their working lives, so this conference has the added benefit (in addition to the various academic learning opportunities it provided) of helping to prepare students for life after university. I believe this experience will also be helpful to students in the very difficult task of searching for employment in their last year at Hannan. I would like to encourage as many students as possible to take part in this event in the future, and I would like to ask professors from every faculty to tell their students about it.
(不闻不若闻之, 闻之不若见之, 见之不若知之, 知之不若行之)- Xun Kuang, Chinese philosopher, c. 310 – c. 235 BCE
The student conference held in Student Commons in December, 2015 was a wonderful opportunity for students from Hannan to actively engage with other students and faculty from a number of different institutions in Japan, as well as representatives from the corporate world. This gave students a chance to develop their analytic and communication skills by applying them to real-world problems. These are the kinds of problems that they are likely to encounter in their working lives, so this conference has the added benefit (in addition to the various academic learning opportunities it provided) of helping to prepare students for life after university. I believe this experience will also be helpful to students in the very difficult task of searching for employment in their last year at Hannan. I would like to encourage as many students as possible to take part in this event in the future, and I would like to ask professors from every faculty to tell their students about it.
「グローカルビジネスとパートナーシップのための学生会議」は「ASIA COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT STUDENT CONFERENCE」における活動です。