

野原 万由果 & 白田 真生


最優秀賞 西岡 友樹 “The Process of International Communication”
優秀賞 ⽥井 万菜美 “International Communication and its Possibilities”
第三位 島村 美優 “International Communication at Home and Abroad”


Mark D. Sheehan(英語スピーチコンテスト担当教員)

This year’s speech contest had a challenging, but very important theme for students studying International Communication. The contestants worked hard to write speeches that were related to their experiences studying abroad and the discoveries that they made and the things they learned about International Communication. The content of each speech was educational and reflected a wide range of experiences. All of the speakers taught the audience members various things about the world, and also motivated many people to take their own journey to improve their communication skills. I am proud of everyone’s efforts to be a part of this special event.