Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA)
Asian Competition Forum(ACF)
Algorithms, Collusion and Competition Law: A Comparative Approach, co-edited with
Steven Van Uytsel and Salil K. Mehra, Edward Elgar Publishing, April 2023.
Leniency in Asian Competition Law, co-edited with Steven Van Uytsel and Mark
Fenwick, Cambridge University Press, September 2022.
"Online platforms and the Japan Fair Trade Commission: the DeNA case as an example of early market intervention," co-authored with Steven Van Uytsel, Competition Law for the Digital Economy, edited by Björn Lundqvist and Michal S. Gal, Edward Elgar Publishing, December 2019.
- Google Shopping事件における市場画定、支配的地位の認定、濫用行為」